Ultra.io x MBS Brew - Air Soul - 20 cans


Ultra.io x MBS Brew - Air Soul - 20 cans

Sale price0,00 eur Regular price39,00 eur
0,00 eur /l
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Get the Gamers Brew from MetaBrew with the limited edition Ultra.io can design.

The Gamers Brew is based on MetaBrew´s non-alcoholic 0.0% Brew with added Ginseng, Ginger and Caffeine to boost concentration and energy levels before during and after gaming or coding.

A unique non-alcoholic energy brew with a very pleasant beer taste, freshened up by some spicy ginger notes with no added sugar.

A must-try for every gamer and the next level of energy drink to advance you to the next level of gaming.

Ingredients: Water, malt, hops, yeast, ginseng, ginger, caffeine.

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